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Winter Fire Safety

With the winter and the Holiday Season already here, most of us look forward to spending those moments with family and friends, in warm homes with lit up trees and home cooked food. Sadly, for some, this holiday season will not be fondly remembered... For many cold states, like Michigan and Ohio, winter is also […]

Electrical Fires Infographic

Electrical fire risk is real. Every year, an estimated 28,000 homes have a fire of electrical origin. That represents about 14% of all fires, and property damages costing close to 1 billion. See more statistics about electrical fire, and what to do after an electrical fire. Michigan Fire Claims, Inc. Auburn Mills, MI

Electrical Fire Claims

According to the US Fire Administration, each year, there are about 26,000 home fires resulting in close to $1 billion in property losses, and more than 1000 injuries and deaths. The leading cause of electrical fires is wiring and its components, including old wiring, faulty electrical outlets, improper use of extension cords and overloaded circuits. […]

Fire Restoration – The right way

Even a small fire can create big odor issues that are very difficult and expensive to get rid of.   Slowly burning furniture or carpets release a thick, black smoke, containing hundreds of toxic compounds that will cover all exposed surfaces in your house, and enter through crevices in between walls and attic and basement spaces.  Your […]

Fire loss caused by negligence… will my insurance policy cover it?

Most fires are caused by some sort of human error; therefore, negligence is easily implied.  One could have better supervised the kitchen, the candles, the stove, fix those electric outlets, etc.  The fact is, in most cases, the homeowner bear some responsibility.  Can the property loss claim be denied on grounds of negligence? Not usually. […]
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