24 Hours: (877) 997-0258
8 Way to Prevent Your Pipes from Freezing This Winter
Has it ever happened to you? You come home from a vacation or even simply come home from work after...
24 January, 2023
Michigan Fire Claims Turns 20 Years Old!
It’s 2023! For some it simply marks a new year. For us at Michigan Fire Claims, it marks 20 years...
5 January, 2023
Enjoy a Safe Holiday Season with Our Christmas Tree Safety Tips
The holidays are here and with that comes busy days, long nights, and all the festive activities that come along...
7 December, 2022
How to Make Sure You’re Properly Insured
Most of us have home or commercial building insurance that protects from a fire or flood. (If you do not,...
30 November, 2022
What The Insurance Companies Won’t Tell You Regarding Your Claim: A Look at The Preferred Service Provider
After a home or business fire (and after you’ve filed an insurance claim) comes the work of restoring your property...
7 November, 2022
The Top 3 Reasons Why Consulting a Public Adjuster Will Benefit Your Disaster Recovery
A disaster can strike at any time. A home or business fire or flood happens fast, leaving the victim(s) at...
29 September, 2022
Six Tips for a Successful Fire or Water Claim
As you likely already know, the proper handling of your insurance claim process is paramount to your financial recovery. You’ll...
1 September, 2022
Practicing Fire Safety When Grilling Out
Summer is in full swing, which means hotter temperatures, longer nights, and more social gatherings. And as you know, a...
3 August, 2022
How to Recover from Storm Damage to Your Home
The arrival of the summer season brings its own troubles―one being the uptick in summer storms. While tornadoes are common...
16 June, 2022
My House Was Destroyed in A Fire, Now What?
You’ve just experienced a house fire that has destroyed everything. You’re likely thinking, “now what?” Well, the first steps are...
2 May, 2022
Boxes of food help those in need at Saginaw’s First Ward Community Center
By Chris Ehrmann | cehrmann@mlive.com cehrmann@mlive.com SAGINAW, MI - Saginaw’s First Ward Community Center received 150 donated boxes of food...
19 December, 2018
Replacement Cost VS. Actual Cash Value in Property Loss Claims; What Does it Mean?
Experiencing any type of catastrophic loss, no matter the size, can be beyond daunting and overwhelming. Whether your house has...
19 September, 2018
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