24 Hours: (877) 997-0258
The Top 3 Reasons Why Consulting a Public Adjuster Will Benefit Your Disaster Recovery
A disaster can strike at any time. A home or business fire or flood happens fast, leaving the victim(s) at...
29 September, 2022
Six Tips for a Successful Fire or Water Claim
As you likely already know, the proper handling of your insurance claim process is paramount to your financial recovery. You’ll...
1 September, 2022
How to Recover from Storm Damage to Your Home
The arrival of the summer season brings its own troubles―one being the uptick in summer storms. While tornadoes are common...
16 June, 2022
Hail Damage and Cosmetic Exclusions
  Due to an increase in "cosmetic" claims in recent years, many insurance companies have elected to add endorsements to...
8 June, 2016
What You Don’t Know About Property Loss Claims
Most homeowners have only a vague idea about what their insurance policy covers. In a way, it makes sense, as...
5 May, 2015
Resolving a Property Loss Claim Dispute
Insurance claim disputes are fairly common. Most homeowners discover that often insurance companies offer settlements way below what they expected...
15 April, 2015
Additional Living Expenses
What You Need to Know about Additional Living Expense and Loss of Use Coverage Most homeowner insurance policies provide coverage...
1 April, 2015
Property Loss Insurance Claim - Knowledge is Power
A property loss can turn your life upside down. Losing a home and possessions to a fire, flood and another...
12 March, 2015
How to protect your property against the perils of winter
Cold winter temperatures can cause costly property damage.  In Michigan, we get a substantial number of sub-zero days from December...
26 January, 2015
Why a contractor should not handle your insurance claim
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.   Benjamin Franklin It may seem providential! You just had a fire,...
30 October, 2014
Sworn Statement in Proof of Loss - What you Need to Know
What is a Sworn Statement in Proof of Loss A Sworn Statement in Proof of Loss is a document the policyholder...
23 October, 2014
Basic Rules for a Successful Insurance Claim
After a property loss due to fire, water damage, storms, or other disasters, the homeowner needs to take the right...
12 October, 2014
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